Not from here

ISBN: 978-84-1181-078-4


It all starts with a simple “what if I go”…. «If I study abroad»… «If I look for a job in another country»… «If I venture out»… «If I stay to see if there is any luck»… «If I try to see if this relationship works»…

It all starts with a dream, with an ambition, with the expectation of a better life and with the hope that every new experience provokes.

It all starts with a first trip that awakens in you an existential curiosity and an endless pleasure to discover life.

From one moment to the next you become an eternal immigrant, who does not feel like they are from here or from there. And after trying to pack in a couple of suitcases -or three as in my case- a whole life and everything you felt you needed being away from home, suddenly you find yourself facing a totally different and unknown life, which you have to embrace and now do by yourself.

If you are about to emigrate or have already emigrated and feel lost in the process, if you do not understand why you feel what you feel, if you feel overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions you are experiencing, I want you to know that many times we need to lose ourselves to find ourselves, and many times we end up losing ourselves and finding ourselves on the other side of the world, as is your case and mine.

This book talks about migrant people, our external experiences, but above all, about our internal experiences; of the psychosocial processes that we experience when living in another country and in another culture. This book also talks about our relationships, on the one hand, about the bi- or multicultural relationships that we co-create and build with our partner (if they are from another culture), with their family, with our new friends, and with co- workers. And on the other hand, it talks about long- distance relationships with our loved ones, those that despite the distance in time and kilometers continue to be intertwined.

In this book I share my experience as an immigrant and as a multicultural psychotherapist, I also share with you the voices and experiences of other immigrants who want to share their experience with you to make your path easier. I hope that this book invites you to make your migratory project a space for reflection, growth and transformation and that the messages you find in it are that voice of encouragement that drives you to be and do all that you dream of and deserve, far from home.

My greatest wish with this book is that you go from being neither from here nor from there to being the one from here and from there, and that you feel so much the owner of yourself and your life, anywhere in the world wherever you are.


ISBN: 978-84-1181-078-4

Título: Not from here
Fecha: 2023
Páginas: 436


It all starts with a simple “what if I go”…. «If I study abroad»… «If I look for a job in another country»… «If I venture out»… «If I stay to see if there is any luck»… «If I try to see if this relationship works»…

It all starts with a dream, with an ambition, with the expectation of a better life and with the hope that every new experience provokes.

It all starts with a first trip that awakens in you an existential curiosity and an endless pleasure to discover life.

From one moment to the next you become an eternal immigrant, who does not feel like they are from here or from there. And after trying to pack in a couple of suitcases -or three as in my case- a whole life and everything you felt you needed being away from home, suddenly you find yourself facing a totally different and unknown life, which you have to embrace and now do by yourself.

If you are about to emigrate or have already emigrated and feel lost in the process, if you do not understand why you feel what you feel, if you feel overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions you are experiencing, I want you to know that many times we need to lose ourselves to find ourselves, and many times we end up losing ourselves and finding ourselves on the other side of the world, as is your case and mine.

This book talks about migrant people, our external experiences, but above all, about our internal experiences; of the psychosocial processes that we experience when living in another country and in another culture. This book also talks about our relationships, on the one hand, about the bi- or multicultural relationships that we co-create and build with our partner (if they are from another culture), with their family, with our new friends, and with co- workers. And on the other hand, it talks about long- distance relationships with our loved ones, those that despite the distance in time and kilometers continue to be intertwined.

In this book I share my experience as an immigrant and as a multicultural psychotherapist, I also share with you the voices and experiences of other immigrants who want to share their experience with you to make your path easier. I hope that this book invites you to make your migratory project a space for reflection, growth and transformation and that the messages you find in it are that voice of encouragement that drives you to be and do all that you dream of and deserve, far from home.

My greatest wish with this book is that you go from being neither from here nor from there to being the one from here and from there, and that you feel so much the owner of yourself and your life, anywhere in the world wherever you are.


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